Rok!t Products is an adult pleasure manufacturer brand created to produce premium quality products for cost-conscious consumers. Rokit is more than just another adult product company; Rok!t is a platform to help drive real and honest dialogue within people that may not feel comfortable engaging in sexual conversation or extended education about sex and sexuality.
Brand Expression System
Sex and the conversation of sexual activity is still largely treated as a taboo conversation. I want to celebrate individual’s diverse backgrounds, body types, and sexual articulations (a person’s physical story). By leveraging personal stories (including my own); creating an honest visual and narrative story that paints a long, true image of the many ways we express ourselves sexually while creating dialogue with brain staining visuals that are reflected ant of the sexual story of us.
Rokit is a personal care lifestyle adult lubricant brand designed for a youth-centric, cost-conscious audience that is designed to be a modern, fun, and reminiscing. Part of making the brand product unique is how it’s narrated. Rokit’s brand narration has an “empathetic flirt” tone about the product, who it stands for; being forward and bold about it. It allowed us to craft a tone and messaging system that allows the product(s) to come across approachable, well explained, while not excluding.
The expression of this concept wants to be:
- Reminiscing
- youth-centric
- empathetic
- modern
Unrelenting Pleasure
Speaks to Rokit being product that will last long and not “give up” on aiding people to complete pleasure.
Why beat around the bush, the majority of existence, specifically human existence is mostly, in part because of sex. Most like sex, most want sex but, not many fully understand every little thing about sex and how it relates to them nor are they willing to talk about it but, will act them out with anyone we sexually come into contact with.
Some excuses have been:
- “I feel silly, talking about something so personal”
- “If I want to know, I can look it up or as my doctor”
- “I want products that would make sex better who doesn’t but, talking about it, I’ll leave that to the professionals”
- “I would talk more about sex and ask more of products if I felt like I was taken serious and to shame me”
- We want individuals feel comfortable that the product is reliable
- The messaging is reflecting a real voice
- Using humor and flirt to drive really important messages without coming across as arrogant, elitist, or without consideration
- It should be bold and brash yet, approachable enough to feel like you can flirt back using bold sex statements implies a visual reference that is cleaver enough to communicate to the audience that yes, we have been thinking what you have been thinking.
- Let’s face it… You won’t win any pageants but, at least, you won’t be a dead contestant
- Ugly But, Alive
- Fits the “bill”… Will it accentuate your features? Maybe. Can it save your life? Yes
- Life over looks (Life > Looks): “Live long enough to talk about how stupid you looked.”
Brand ID
Rokit is more than just products but, a brand story that generates dialogue. I felt it’s important to create a platform that embraces people of all diverse sexual identifications, body types, open perspectives of beauty and sexual expressions.
I felt it was cool to leverage primary colors that we traditionally look at as “red/pink” girl and triggers the brain to pay alert, hunger or sex while; “blue” symbolizing boy and can trigger calm and cool. The type of treatment and ID is reflecting on 60s; which is said to be the decade of free sexual expression and love but, re-realizing what that moment in time would look like today.
Technical Notes:
Color Profiling – Coolers
ID and TypeMark – Illustrator

Printed Communication Devices
My idea of the collateral design system was surrounded around flirting with literal words that tastefully articulate the brand, actively engaging the viewer. In styling the business cards, specifically, thought about the cards like I would my wardrobe; each card has a different yet, unifying design expression to compliment:
- a style
- a conversational moment
- a personalized followup w/notes
- a positive connection
Bottling Label Release
Trial & Error
When working on a labeling convention that would best feature the brand’s personality, there were been much to consider when executing this product label. Things I considered when publishing the Rokit product label:
- Container Sizes vs art space
- Back Labeling for legibility
- Visual effectiveness and brand awareness
- Cost for production MOQ & Application
MVP Release
Selecting style 7 out of 12 tested highest out of other designs. Some factoring items noted in user feedback were:
- “This style seems timeless”
- “The design felt like you have more design freedom with it”
- “I like the design ambiguity in it not looking or feeling like one gender.”
Each bottle came finished with:
- Laser printed label with a mirrored backing label allowing the user to reflect the colors of product’s environment. Visually, if offers unique retail shelf reflective appeal, grabbing a shoppers passing eye and reflecting the person’s clothing or skin/environment; creating more depth in user connection.

Hotel Pleasure Kit
Part of promoting the MVP product was coming up unique market positioning and strategies that would create niche revenue streams, increase consumer accessibility and market buy in.
Creating a simple, clean, yet discreet packaging that can be sold in hotel retail centers, travel destinations and transportation centers.
Each kit came with:
- A 1oz bottle of Rokit
- 2 Condoms
- 2 XL wipes by ‘After’
Sample Influencer Kit
In order to gain mass sustainable brand buy in and as an investor engagement tool, I created a “preview/sample” box that would include:
- 1oz bottle of Rokit
- 1 After HAS (human ass size) size Wipe
- 2 Condoms
- Brand & Product overview Card
- Promote to market Cheat Sheet
This would preview box allows recipients to get a step walk through of the product, and it’s growth plans while being engaging to the user to engage with the product to best understand, promote and invest in the product.
Promotional Visuals
Technical Notes:
Photoshop—Photo adjustment
Lightroom—Post Lighting Adjustment
Support Notes:
Photography: Ty Xavier Turner
Social Media Engagements
In selecting visuals to best represent the presentation’s narration was to be keen to global diversity in the brand’s social atmosphere. I wanted to leverage the style stories of the individuals in both the advertising but, creating a space that would best show off the eclectic, influential breaths of North Face style story.